He’s your football coach and dating expert. A teller of bad jokes and confronter of bullies. The one who worked nights and days when the family thought they might lose the house. He bought you your first car and gave you away at your wedding.
He’s your dad. And he’s the king. This year you can give him the royal treatment with a little help from 5miles. Here are some great ideas for ways to say thanks this Father’s Day.

1. Watch
Some say that, not counting your wedding ring, it is the only piece of jewellery a man should wear is a watch. What’s great about watches are their versatility. A sporty watch can dress an outfit down. And a sharp one can kick it up a notch. And like jewellery it is always best to buy them second hand.

2. Fishing Gear
Remember that time your dad first taught you how to fish? He bought you that red and blue Spider-Man fishing pole. You were fascinated by his ancient box of tackle. Take a moment to go down to the water together and share those memories again. Just grab a couple of rods and reels and you’re set.

3. GoPro
Maybe your dad likes his sports a little more extreme. So the next time you’re out on the ATVs for the day strap on a GoPro so you can give your Mom a heart attack later when she sees your stunts.

4. Kindle
Maybe he loves fantasy like Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. Or maybe he’s more of the Jack Ryan or Bourne Identity type. Whether it’s Action, Adventure, or Science Fiction, all those books really take up space. Kindles are light, take up no space, and can really take a beating.

5. BBQ
Even if he can’t cook inside the house, something about raw meat and the outdoors turns any dad into Gordon Ramsey. Search on 5miles, throw one of these in the truck, and make sure to pick up the steaks on your way over to his house.

Over the years you’ve made a lot of memories with your father. And if you’re blessed there’ll be a lot more to come. Plus, if dad gets his wish pretty soon he’ll have grandkids running around. Cameras really keep their value, and you can set him up with an entire kit for a steal.

7. Bluetooth Speaker
If you’re looking for something small, these little speakers are perfect for the summertime. They can follow you anywhere, charge with USB, and can play music right from your phone. Perfect for sitting on the porch with a cold drink to beat the heat.

8. Leather Recliner
After the day’s done it’s time to relax. And what’s better for the king in his castle than a throne. His only problem will be fighting to keep everyone out of it!
Let us know on Facebook or Twitter all of the great gifts you managed to find for Dad this year. Do something fun? Let us know!
PS: Everyone one of these images are items on 5miles right now.